Librarian-Recommended Titles for Advanced Readers in 4th & 5th Grades

Adams, Douglas. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women.  Alexander, Kwame. The Crossover.  Alexander, Lloyd. The Book of Three. (series) Baillet, Blue. Chasing Vermeer. (series) Bradley, Kimberly Baker. The War that Saved My Life.  Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. (series) Compenstine, Yang Chang. Revolution is Not a Dinner Party.  Craft, Jerry….

Using Holidays to Celebrate Cultures around the World

Although we want to talk about world cultures for more than just holiday events, sometimes using holidays helps introduce the younger grades to cultures which with they are not familiar. Using the holiday as a launching off point, they see how the featured culture celebrates. Here is a list of holidays throughout the year: January:…

Using Dungeons and Dragons in the Library

Have you thought about using Dungeons and Dragons in your library or with your kids? The pencil and paper RPG is a lot of fun for students, even if they only set up a character on a character sheet. You can purchase the player’s manual and dungeon master’s guide, start with a few students, and…

Email Suggestion Box

If you are a teacher or librarian, have you thought about setting up an anonymous email suggestion box? There may be kids that you interact with daily whom have something to say but feel too shy to say it. Maybe it’s related to curriculum or books to buy or it could even be how to…


Maps, map, maps. They are amazing. They provide so much entertainment. They can be inspiring for writing ideas, they can give us insight into how the world was ordered in the past, they can educate, be used as creative material for art projects, or sometimes, they can just be fun to stare at. Use them…

Middle Grade Issues

What can we do to help middle grade students wade through the difficulties of their age? What are the things they most worry about? Generally early adolescence brings on the following issues: They begin to worry about their appearance They begin act independent of the family Streaks of rebellion may occur Their friends increase in…

Representation Matters!

Show your gifted children themselves in the pages of a book – take the time to introduce books of varying races, creeds, and walks of life. We Need Diverse Books is a fantastic organization advocating for representation in the publishing world. You can volunteer with them. You can use their website to start a summer…

Librarian as School Counselor to the Gifted

Sometimes those who work in libraries wear a lot of different hats. If you work in a smaller school, there is a chance that the school counselor is covering a lot of ground, and librarians may find themselves playing the role otherwise saved for the counselor. Some lower grade schools don’t even have counselors. Public…

Advocacy for Gifted Parents

Once a parent realizes they have a gifted child on their hands, and what exactly that means, they usually set out to make sure the child is getting what they need. Whether it is a specific school or curriculum, testing, making sure the school board has a gifted program at their school, or how many…

Volunteer Work for Library Fines

  Library fines are the bane of my existence. I try so, so hard, but I always have one book that’s late or one movie that goes a day or two over. And guess what? It causes me tremendous anxiety because I LOVE THE LIBRARY. Think about a kid who loves books but is forgetful….

Mentoring Our Gifted

I heartily believe in a mentoring system. Lives are changed by introducing an inquisitive child to a person who understands their passions and can guide them. Using the library for this activity can be a fruitful pairing  for gifted kids, whom often fall headlong into hobbies and pursuits and would do well with a mentor….

Obsess Much?

Parenting or educating a gifted child can be challenging. The overexcitablities, twice-exceptionalism, perfectionism, sleep patterns, sensory issues, the list goes on and on. When dealing with some of these issues, perhaps use the issue to their advantage. Make it a teaching moment – take time to explore it and analyze it, and learn how to…